



IQBC 2025
Buddhism – Human Rights – Queer Rights vs. Abuse

IQBC 2024
Buddhism is Trans

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The Video with its raptext will give you an impression what the International Queer Buddhist Conferences (IQBC) are about. It´s about chances, open- mindedness, freedom, research, and expressing diverse lifestyles by giving talks, exhibitions, videos, and more.
The IQBC are meant to be a safe and protected space, no matter which sexuality, gender, color oder culture you belong. 

Conscious Connections of IQBC

34th Conscious Connection of the IQBC

March 26, 07:00 pm CET/6 pm BT/1 pm EDT/10 am PST/11:30 pm IST

Title: Queers in Danger Worldwide

Guest facilitator: Human Rights Advocat Kaushal Ranasinghe

What about tap dancing on the IQBC?, tap dance with Dr. Jampa Wurst

The Recordings of the IQBC 2021 are now online.

About us

After the first International Queer Buddhist Conference (IQBC) on Zoom in 2021 the need to have such gatherings, where lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, queers, questionings, intersex, asexuals, and other people supporting the community (‚allies‘) can share their ideas, their thoughts, and capabilities in different subjects became very clear.

The International Queer Buddhist Conference (IQBC), founded by Dr. Jampa Wurst, creates inclusive spaces for queer Buddhists and allies to explore the intersections of mindfulness, intersectionality, art, and activism. The IQBC promotes open communication, healing, and community building through annual conferences, workshops, and creative events celebrating diversity and challenging conventional norms.

The conference is not meant to be only a platform for scientific exchange, but also a safe space for open communication, connecting, and learning from each other. Thus, IQBC solicits a wide range of contributions, also in meditation, and especially in artsy expressions, whether it is paintings, photography, film, dance and much more.

It is planned to publish photos and videos of the presentations.

We hope that the IQBCs will continue forming a tradition of regular gatherings to foster exchange in a safe space enriched with humor, engagement, and entertainment as it is already doing with the monthly Conscious Connections of the IQBC.

As Seen In:

“Dharma is not Self-Indulgence; Dharma is not a Spa!” 
in:, pp.3, 4 and 5.

Queere Konferenz zog Hunderte an,
[translates to: Queer Conference attracted hundreds]
Buddhismus aktuell, 1/2022, p. 76

1st International Queer Buddhist Conference,
in: Ursache/Wirkung. Achtsamkeit, Meditation und Ethik: Meditation, Ulm, 2021, No.117, p.13

View more Publications by Dr. Wurst

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