IQBC 2022 Recordings
Opening Ceremony
Speaker: Dr. R. Jampa Wurst, they, them
Visibility Is More than Being Seen: Creating a Dharma Community That Makes Space for Diverse Voices
Keynote by: Pema Düddul (PhD), they, them
Session 1: Queer (Buddhist) Role Models
Tashi Choedup (they, she): Socio-Political Work with the Queer Community in India
Kody Muncaster (PhD Candidate), they, them: Queer Trauma and the Trans-Sattva: Non-Binary Gender Euphoria and the Buddhist Teachings on Non-Duality
Session 2: Trauma/Abuse – Buddhism – Therapy
Kyle Neo, he, him: What’s love got to do with my queerness?
Ven. Vimala, they, them: Turn trauma into a pathway of spiritual growth!
Brother Troi Bao Tang, he, him: Healing the Past in the Present (teachings)
Closing Words
Speaker: Jampa Wurst (PhD), they, them